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Marty Bince

Marty is the President-elect for the ISA Society for 2023. His ISA experience includes being an ISA Society Executive Board member, VP of Membership and the ISA Edmonton Section President. ISA has provided Marty the opportunities to solve technical challenges, learn how to manage a section, work with standards, and understands how the ISA Society can serve members and industry. Marty's business experience includes being a former owner of a Wonderware distributorship covering Western Canada and the Pacific Northwest. He has also been IEEE Chair of the Edmonton/Northern Canada section and has provided papers at several conferences. He is a Business Development Manager with Eecol Electric focused on EcoStruxure and Aveva,
Industry experience includes a number of projects in the oil&gas industry, pipelines, mining, pulp&paper, forest products, water/wastewater, food/pharma, and manufacturing industries